Wonder Lesson 24: Apparition at the Door and Breakfast Genetics 101 - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 24: Apparition at the Door and Breakfast Genetics 101 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the English Teaching Resources for Lesson 24, students delve into an engaging exploration of the novel 'Wonder' through a series of activities designed to enhance their understanding and vocabulary. The lesson involves a class reading and discussion of pages 99-106, where students use their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to develop their vocabulary further. They reflect on Via's emotions during her first flashback chapter, consider the reasons behind her father's support in the 'Breakfast' chapter, and discuss perceptions of Auggie's condition and Via's thoughts on having children. This comprehensive analysis encourages students to engage deeply with the text and the characters' experiences.

The lesson also includes a word warm-up activity focusing on the prefix 'UN'. Students are challenged to create new words by combining 'UN' with root words such as 'certain', 'legal', 'place', 'cover', and 'able', further expanding their vocabulary. The activity prompts students to think critically about the meaning of words and how prefixes alter them. Additionally, the lesson incorporates a fun and educational task using Scrabble letter scores to rank technical words from the book based on their point value. This exercise not only helps with spelling difficult medical terms related to Auggie's condition but also adds an element of gamification to learning, making the acquisition of technical language more enjoyable.

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