Wonder Lesson 23: High School, Major Tom and the Padawan Bites the Dust - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 23: High School, Major Tom and the Padawan Bites the Dust - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 23 of the English Teaching Resources focuses on a detailed analysis of pages 91-98 of the book 'Wonder'. In this lesson, students are encouraged to read and discuss these pages as a class, while continuing to build their vocabulary using a 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet. The discussion revolves around the plot, characters, and themes of the book, allowing students to deepen their understanding of the text. The lesson emphasises the importance of active reading and vocabulary development as key components of literary analysis.

Additionally, the lesson includes a word warm-up activity centred on the correct use of apostrophes for omission, commonly known as contracted words. Students are tasked with explaining the difference between apostrophes used for omission and possession, using given examples. Furthermore, they are instructed to re-read a specific page from the book to find and note down all contracted words, identifying the two words that make each contraction. This activity not only reinforces their understanding of apostrophes but also encourages close reading of the text. The lesson concludes with a mixed partner activity where students work together to find and retrieve information from the text, enhancing their skimming and scanning skills through a series of questions that follow the chronological order of the chapters.

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