Wonder Lesson 2: All About the Author - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 2: All About the Author - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The second lesson in an English teaching resource series focuses on the author of the internationally acclaimed book 'Wonder', which has sold over 5 million copies globally. The author, Raquel Jaramillo Palacio, is the subject of this lesson, where students are encouraged to delve into her background and the reasons behind her writing. The lesson includes an interactive element where students click on an image to discover fascinating details about Palacio's life and work. They are tasked with creating an engaging author profile, incorporating intriguing facts and possibly images, while also researching to answer specific questions about why Palacio wrote 'Wonder', whether it has received any awards, and if she has written other books.

As part of the lesson, students will engage with various activities aligned with the National Curriculum reading skills, including comprehension and speaking and listening exercises related to each chapter of 'Wonder'. These activities are differentiated into Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels, corresponding to different curriculum categories of achievement. The lesson aims to cover a comprehensive range of reading targets for Years 5 and 6, ensuring a balance of question types and skills such as inference, retrieval, language analysis, and understanding authorial intent. Additionally, the lesson supports vocabulary development through the use of a 'Wonder Dictionary', where students record unfamiliar words and discuss their meanings, synonyms, and antonyms, enhancing their word knowledge and spelling proficiency.

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