Wonder Lesson 19: Mr Browne's October Precept and Apples - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 19: Mr Browne's October Precept and Apples - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Explore the nuances of character development and thematic elements in 'Wonder' with Lesson 19 from the English Teaching Resources. Students are encouraged to delve into pages 65-67 of the book as a class, utilising their 'Wonder Dictionary' to expand their vocabulary. The session prompts them to consider the plot, characters, and themes, as well as to engage in making predictions about the unfolding story. This interactive approach to reading helps students to immerse themselves in the narrative and think critically about the text.

The lesson continues with a creative word warm-up activity, challenging students to form as many words as possible from a set of given letters, similar to a game of Boggle. This serves as a fun and engaging way to enhance their linguistic skills. Moreover, students are tasked with writing a birthday party invitation from the protagonist, Auggie, to his friend Jack, using informal language and considering how Auggie might personalise his invitation. Comprehension questions accompany this task, prompting students to find synonyms, infer meanings, and provide textual evidence to support their understanding of character traits, specifically focusing on kindness and the emotions experienced by Auggie during his party. These activities not only test comprehension but also encourage empathy and insight into the characters' lives.

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