Wonder Lesson 17: September - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 17: September - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This English teaching resource focuses on a lesson revolving around the book 'Wonder', specifically examining pages 61-62. The class is encouraged to read and discuss these pages together, using a 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to enhance their vocabulary. The session begins with a reflection on the opening sentence "The rest of September was hard." and prompts students to consider its implications and to make predictions about the story's development. This exercise not only engages students with the text but also encourages critical thinking and forecasting based on narrative cues.

The lesson continues with a word warm-up activity on fronted adverbials. Students learn that a fronted adverbial can provide additional context to a sentence, explaining how, when, why, or where an action takes place, and can be a single word or a phrase. They are then asked to read sentences from 'Wonder' and identify the fronted adverbials, categorizing them according to their contextual purpose. Following this, they are tasked with a 'Find and Retrieve' exercise where they must re-read the chapter and find examples of how other students react to the main character, Auggie. This exercise helps students practice their retrieval skills and encourages empathy by relating the text to their own experiences. Lastly, they are given writing prompts to describe Auggie's first month at school using fronted adverbials, which aids in reinforcing their understanding of the grammatical concept and enhances their descriptive writing skills.

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