The Invisible Man - Lesson 7 - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
The Invisible Man - Lesson 7 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Lesson Seven of 'The Invisible Man' is an interactive English teaching resource designed to engage students with the text through reading and creative activities. During this lesson, students are encouraged to participate by volunteering to read their letters aloud to the class. This provides an opportunity for the class to discuss the strengths of each letter and to collaboratively explore ways in which the letters could be improved. The discussion aims to enhance the students' understanding of effective communication and writing skills, as well as to foster a supportive learning environment where peer feedback is valued.

Furthermore, the lesson involves a close reading of 'The Invisible Man', focusing on Act 1, Scenes 5 to 8. This deep dive into the text allows students to explore the narrative and characters in detail. After the reading, students are tasked with creating a storyboard for one of the key scenes from the day's reading. This activity not only helps to consolidate their understanding of the plot and character development but also encourages them to think critically about how to visually represent narrative elements. The storyboard exercise is an excellent way for students to express their interpretation of the text creatively and to demonstrate their comprehension in a visual format.

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