The Invisible Man - Lesson 6 - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
The Invisible Man - Lesson 6 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Lesson 6 of an English teaching resource focuses on developing students' understanding of the key concepts of PURPOSE, AUDIENCE, and FORMAT (P.A.F.). The lesson begins with a review of the story so far, touching upon characters such as Marvel, The Daytrippers, Kemp, and Griffin. Students are encouraged to engage in a 'THINK PAIR SHARE' activity to discuss what P.A.F. stands for. They are then tasked with writing definitions for each element and checking their responses against a dictionary to ensure accuracy.

The lesson progresses with exercises that challenge students to identify the P.A.F. for various writing tasks, such as composing a speech on school uniforms, addressing the Head teacher about extracurricular activities, and creating a magazine article against animal testing in cosmetics. Students are expected to provide examples for each task. Additionally, the lesson includes a creative writing task where they imagine being Dr Kemp, a character from 'The Invisible Man', and compose a letter expressing concerns about his friend, Mr Griffin. The support slide suggests using emotive language, a range of sentences, and similes to enhance the letter. A writing checklist is provided to guide students through the editing process, ensuring they check for basics like punctuation and spelling, use a variety of sentence types, structure their writing into paragraphs, and employ interesting vocabulary to create effect and convey meaning.

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