The Invisible Man - Lesson 14 - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
The Invisible Man - Lesson 14 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson fourteen of an English teaching resource invites students to engage with the classic narrative of 'The Invisible Man'. As part of the lesson, students are encouraged to reflect on their favourite books, films, TV shows, or video games, and consider the reasons for their preferences. This exercise helps to set the stage for a deeper analysis of literature and storytelling by drawing on personal experiences of engaging with various narratives and understanding what makes them appealing.

The core activity of the lesson involves composing a review of 'The Invisible Man'. To assist students in structuring their critique, a series of sentence starters are provided. These prompts guide learners to outline the setting of the story, describe the plot, discuss the central themes, and articulate the author's intended message. Students are also prompted to share their personal opinions, including what they enjoyed, their favourite moments, and any criticisms they might have. Finally, they are asked to consider recommending the story to others, specifying reasons for their recommendation. This task not only encourages critical thinking and analytical skills but also fosters the ability to express personal viewpoints and persuasive writing.

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