Co ordinating Conjunctions Year 2 - PowerPoint

Year 2
Co ordinating Conjunctions   Year 2 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This PowerPoint presentation is a teaching resource for Year 2 students to help them understand and use coordinating conjunctions in their writing. The lesson focuses on the conjunctions 'or', 'and', 'but', and 'so', which are used to join words, phrases, or clauses. The presentation explains that a conjunction is a word that connects two related sentences, such as joining "I like oranges." and "I like apples." into "I like oranges and apples." Students are encouraged to identify and use these conjunctions through various exercises, including underlining them in sentences and circling the correct conjunction to join sentences together.

The resource includes a range of interactive activities, such as worksheets where students must circle conjunctions from a list, underline them in context, and choose the appropriate conjunction to combine sentences. For example, students will learn how to join sentences such as "The dog ran to the window." and "It barked loudly." into "The dog ran to the window and barked loudly," eliminating unnecessary words. The exercises are designed to reinforce the correct usage of conjunctions and help students understand how they can change the structure of a sentence. The resource also provides answers for the worksheets, enabling students to check their work and understand their mistakes.

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