Inspired by: The Whisperer - Week 5

Year 3
Inspired by: The Whisperer - Week 5

English Resource Description

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In a thought-provoking lesson, students delve into the concept of word families, discovering how words are interconnected in both form and meaning. The story of Amber and Monty, who face the challenge of living apart, serves as a backdrop for exploring the word family centred around 'solve'. Students learn that 'solve' means to work out an answer, 'resolve' is to settle a problem, and 'solution' is the method of solving an issue. The lesson extends to other word families such as 'dec', which connects to 'decade', 'decimal', and 'decathlon', 'aqua' relating to water-themed words like 'aquamarine' and 'aquarium', and 'mikros', the root for 'microscope' and 'microbe', highlighting the Greek origin meaning 'small'.

The narrative continues with a focus on diversity, where students are encouraged to organise paragraphs around a central theme. They meet Tiger, a unique kitten with a distinctive coat that sets him apart from his siblings. Tiger's differences become a catalyst for unity, teaching the feuding feline families the value of diversity. Students reflect on their own friendships, comparing similarities and differences in tastes and interests, and then articulate their thoughts in a report. The lesson concludes with a look at the perfect form of verbs, as students consider Tiger's positive impact on his world. They are prompted to recognise their own achievements and express them through 'I have...' statements, fostering a sense of self-worth and reflection on personal growth.

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