Inspired by: The Whisperer - Week 4

Year 3
Inspired by: The Whisperer - Week 4

English Resource Description

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In an engaging literacy activity inspired by "The Whisperer" by Nick Butterworth, students are tasked with expanding their vocabulary through the exploration of words related to the theme of conflict. The learning objective is to use dictionaries to verify the meanings of words encountered in the text. The activity prompts students to identify words such as 'rival', 'gang', 'fighting', 'betrayed', 'banished', 'separate', and 'truce', which are all associated with conflict within the narrative. To deepen their understanding, they are encouraged to use a thesaurus to find synonyms for these words, enhancing their lexical range and appreciation of language nuances.

Another activity focused on proofreading skills has students correct spelling and punctuation mistakes in a set of 'Gang Rules' written by a character named Old Flossie. The rules are riddled with errors, providing a practical exercise for students to identify and rectify mistakes, such as 'Don't mix wif the uver catz.' and 'Rember to always Wach yor bak.' This reinforces the importance of clear written communication. Additionally, students explore word families, learning how words with common roots are related in both form and meaning, such as 'solve', 'resolve', and 'solution'. This activity not only builds vocabulary but also fosters an understanding of etymology and word structure. Finally, students discuss the dilemma faced by characters Amber and Monty regarding the living arrangements of their kittens, stimulating critical thinking and discussion.

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