Inspired by: The Emperor of Absurdia - Week 4

Year 3
Inspired by: The Emperor of Absurdia - Week 4

English Resource Description

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Embarking on a literary adventure, students are set to increase their familiarity with a diverse array of books, including enchanting fairy tales, captivating myths, and legendary narratives, by retelling these stories orally. The focus is on identifying recurring themes and conventions across various texts. The activity begins with a discussion around the extraordinary dream of the Emperor from 'The Emperor of Absurdia'. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own dreams and to draw parallels with other literature they have encountered, such as Maurice Sendak's 'Where The Wild Things Are'. They will compare the two books, exploring shared themes like journeys, quests, the triumph of good, and fantastical realms and beings. Similarities in structure, illustrations, and language use are also examined. The students are then tasked with expressing their preferences through a letter to the author or a book review, highlighting their favourite aspects and posing questions. To bring the stories to life, the class will rehearse and perform an oral retelling for an assembly or another class.

In another creative venture, students delve into the art of narrative setting creation, focusing on a cave setting inspired by 'The Emperor of Absurdia'. They are prompted to recall personal experiences in caves and to use these sensory memories to craft a vivid, scary cave description. The activity invites them to imagine the Emperor's encounter with a sleeping dragon deep within the cave, using rich language, metaphors, similes, and varied sentence structures to evoke a sense of dread. Students then write their own descriptions, which could serve as an additional chapter in the book, and are encouraged to evaluate and edit their writing before sharing it with a partner. Additionally, they are tasked with writing a 'How To Care For A Dragon' guide, drawing inspiration from pet care manuals and using headings and sub-headings to organize their work. This guide will include practical advice on topics such as food, cleanliness, dragon behaviour, and seasonal care, providing the Emperor with all the knowledge needed to care for his newfound dragon companions.

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