Inspired by: Toys in Space - Curriculum Objectives

Year 3
Inspired by: Toys in Space - Curriculum Objectives
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The curriculum objectives for "Toys in Space" by Mini Grey encourage Year 3 pupils to develop a positive attitude towards reading and to deepen their comprehension skills. Students will be exposed to a variety of literary forms, including fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, and textbooks, to foster a love for reading and discussion. They will learn to structure their reading for different purposes, use dictionaries to understand new vocabulary, and become familiar with a range of books, including traditional tales and myths. The curriculum also focuses on developing oral skills by preparing and performing poems and play scripts with expressive intonation and action. Pupils will explore language creatively, identifying captivating words and phrases, and recognising different forms of poetry. They will also enhance their understanding of texts by clarifying meanings, asking insightful questions, making inferences, predicting outcomes, summarising key ideas, and examining how language and structure contribute to meaning.

Writing skills are equally emphasised, with pupils being taught to apply their knowledge of etymology and morphology, including prefixes and suffixes, to comprehend new words and improve spelling accuracy. They will also learn to spell commonly misspelt words and use dictionaries effectively. Writing instruction includes planning by discussing and recording ideas, drafting with a focus on varied vocabulary and sentence structures, and organising paragraphs thematically. Additionally, pupils will create narratives with settings, characters, and plots, while non-narrative writing will utilise organisational devices like headings. Evaluation and editing will refine their work, with a focus on grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation. Finally, pupils will be encouraged to develop their handwriting for clarity and quality, and to understand grammatical concepts and terminology, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral forms.