Inspired by: Five Minutes Peace - Week 6

Year 2
Inspired by: Five Minutes Peace - Week 6
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The 'Splashing Sploshing' activity is designed to teach children the progressive form of verbs in both present and past tense, highlighting actions that are ongoing. In this exercise, children look at an image of bath time antics and use verbs ending in 'ing' to describe the scene. For example, they might write, "Lester is filling his trunk with water and squirting it over Laura's head." They are then encouraged to transform these present tense sentences into the past tense, learning the subtle shifts in language that denote time, such as "Lester was filling his trunk with water and squirting it over Laura's head." This activity not only reinforces verb tenses but also encourages peer collaboration as children swap sentences with a partner to practice changing tenses.

In the 'Once Upon A Time' activity, children delve into the world of storytelling by retelling their own experiences in the style of traditional fairy tales. They recount the tale of a mother and her three children, Lester, Laura, and the little one, starting with a classic 'Once upon a time' opening. This narrative journey enables the children to become more familiar with the structure and language of fairy stories and traditional tales, and to consider how their own story might end, possibly with a 'happily ever after.' The lesson plan also includes 'Mum Rules,' where children learn about sentence demarcation using capital letters and punctuation, and 'Sorry Mum,' which focuses on reading aloud with appropriate intonation to convey meaning and emotion, as they compose and verbally deliver an apology to their mother.

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