Lollipop stop (silence) - Song

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Resource Description

Lollipop Stop (silence)

If you make a big stop/go sign on a stick like that used by a Lollipop Patrol person you can play the Lollipop Stop game. When you hold the lollipop showing Go, the children sing and when you turn it round to Stop, they stop.

The children sing-song this little rhyme and you turn the lollipop to Stop on the word Stop! The children begin again when you turn the lollipop to Go. Wait for different lengths of time before turning to Go!

  • I like to see the lollipop
  • It tells the cars and vans to stop!
  • (silence ....)

Lollipop Stop Variations

The same game can be played with walking on the spot instead of singing, or with everyone playing a hand-held, untuned percussion instrument.

If you have the Out of the Ark: People Who Help Us songbook with Audio CD, you might like to try the song Lollipop Lady. You'll need to spend some time teaching it if the children are to sing it in tune, so allow time to practise it yourself first! Here's a clip from the song:

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