The Wheels on the Bus - Video

Music Resource Description
Meet Luchia, our Music Playtime Singer
Next, I'd like you to meet Luchia Law, the singer on virtually all the sound files. Here she is singing The Wheels on the Bus, which you'll find in the Going Places unit. Most of the songs lend themselves to mime, which you can see Luchia doing here. Mime is great fun, it helps with understanding the meaning and character of a song and the children can do it with, or without, singing the words.
The Wheels on the Bus - Activity
Try asking the children if they think Mrs Crocosaurus would like Luchia's singing. Hopefully, they will say. 'Yes'! If you ask why, you may get the same answer from all the children and it will go something like, 'Because she likes it'. This is fine - little children will almost certainly never have been asked this question before and it gives you the chance to say what you like about it! You could say that Luchia:
- sings the right tune
- uses her singing voice, not her talking voice
- sings not too fast and not too slow
- makes a lovely sound - not shouty and not as quiet as a mouse.