Hide and seek (tempo)

3rd Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Resource Description

Hide and Seek (tempo)

Ask the children to find one of these things, hidden around the room (hide more objects than children eg 6 white spoons, 3 pink mice, 6 blue beanbags)

For this game, play The Runaway Rocking Horse by Edward White. First the children listen, without moving, to the slow introduction. When the tempo becomes fast, they go and seek. When the music stops they sit down with what they have found.

To put away what they have found, the children listen again to the slow introduction then put the objects away in the right place as the quicker music plays. If the music is still playing, they sit down and watch the video. The music is played on an organ, which is interesting for the children to watch as many will not have seen an organ.

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