Dance with friends! (structure)

Music Resource Description
A Dance With Friends! (structure)
Here's a circle dance with different actions that fit with each section of the music, helping to draw attention to the structure of the music. The music is from Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart, the second movement from his piano Sonata in A major. A rondo has a tune that keeps coming back at least three times, interspersed with different tunes, but I have not included the whole movement here, for the sake of simplicity.
When I started teaching this dance I thought the children would never get it, yet after just a few tries they were managing pretty well and loving it! The idea is that doing a different movement to each part of the music helps draw attention to its structure.
Free Dance
After the structured dance, I asked the children to do their own dance and there's an interesting variety of responses. One little boy who had just started nursery was a bit bewildered and walked around but, towards the end you can see one of the older boys (having slid around a bit previously) spontaneously clapping in time with the pulse of the music.