Seaside & Under the Sea Level: Early Grades - Cross-curricular activities

Music Lesson Description
Sharks and swimmers (PE link)
This is what you need:
- Chalk (if using as a playground activity)
- Markers (if using as an indoor activity)
- Whistle
Here's what to do:
Divide the children into groups of sharks and swimmers with one third of the children being the sharks and the other two thirds of the children being the swimmers.
Mark out a line in chalk or with markers at one end of the playground and another line at the other end of the playground as the starting and finishing points for the swimmers.
Halfway between the starting and finishing point, mark out a starting point for the sharks.
At the sound of the whistle, the swimmers must try to get from their starting position to the finishing point without being caught by a sharks.
The sharks must try to catch the swimmers by tagging them. Once tagged the swimmers must sit down where the were caught until the end of the game when all of the children have either reached the finishing point or been caught by the sharks.