Seaside & Under the Sea Level: Early Grades - Introductory

Baby shark - Video
Resource 1/1
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

Baby Shark!

I had to include this one, and it's with the kind permission of the owners, Pink Fong. After watching the video, the children could learn the song, if they don't already know it, by singing along with the video and doing the actions. Then sing it unaccompanied with the actions. You could add some rhythmic percussion eg shakers to help keep everyone in time.

Have you brought your sharky voice? (timbre, pitch)

Next, you could play the Have you brought Your ... Voice? game, using the voices from the video, being expressive with both the high and low pitches of the voices and also the tone quality (timbre).

  • Teacher: Have you brought your baby shark voice (high-pitch, baby voice)
  • Children: Yes we have, yes we have (imitate high-pitch, baby voice)
  • Teacher: Have your brought your mummy shark voice? (medium-pitch, grown-up voice)
  • Children: Yes we have, yes we have (imitate medium-pitch, grown-up voice)
  • ... and so on
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