The Weather & the Seasons Level: Early Grades - Cross-curricular activities

Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

Rain in a Bag

Materials needed: plastic food bags, soil, spoon, handful of grass with roots attached (pulled from the ground), water, clear tape, masking tape, marker pen, drinking straw.

  • Each child puts a few spoonfuls of soil into a bag labelled with their name.
  • Next they plant the handful of grass into the soil.
  • Pour one spoonful of water over the grass.
  • Put a straw in the bag (with most of the straw out of the bag).
  • Seal the bag around the straw.
  • Fill the bag with air by having the child blow into the straw.
  • Pull the straw out of the bag and quickly seal it, keeping the air inside.
  • Tape the bag to a sunny window.

Soon, they should see condensation begin to form and eventually it will roll down the bag into the soil, causing ‘rain’ to water the plant.

Aaron Burden S I8 V Ax011 I Unsplash
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