The Weather & the Seasons Level: Early Grades - Songs & chants

What's the weather like today? - Song
Resource 1/2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

Daiga Ellaby Ny1Vy Ugid Mg Unsplash

What's the Weather Like Today?

New words to a well-known tune.

  • What's the weather like today?
  • Sunny, warm and dry
  • And on a summer day we see
  • The sun up in the sky
  • With sunshine here, sunshine there
  • Lovely sunshine everywhere
  • What's the weather like today?
  • Sunny, warm and dry
  • __
  • What's the weather like today?
  • Think it's going to rain
  • And on a rainy day we see
  • Puddles in the lane
  • With puddles here, puddles there
  • Splashy puddles everywhere
  • What's the weather like today?
  • Think it's going to rain

Frosty Weather

A song for a winter's day!

  • Frosty weather, snowy weather
  • When the wind blows
  • We all go together
Nathan Wolfe Rt Mi Bk Mcosw Unsplash
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