The Weather & the Seasons Level: Early Grades - Introductory

Rainsticks - Music
Resource 1/3
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

Rainsticks Music

You can buy rainsticks that make a sound like rain but, if not, you can help the children to make their own from a paper towel tube, a Pringles tube or the inner cardboard tube from wrapping paper. Just pour (uncooked!) rice or lentils into the tube and seal both ends with parcel tape, then paint the tube in bright colors. Traditionally, a rainstick has nails, thorns or toothpicks pushed into it for the rice to fall against inside, but including these in your child-made rainsticks may not be a good idea unless you supervise closely and then cover any pointy ends with plenty of tape!

Make a gradual, slow sound with a rainstick by slowly tilting it from side to side.
