Why did Manchester become known as Cottonpolis?

3rd Grade
Why did Manchester become known as Cottonpolis? - Presentation
Why did Manchester become known as Cottonpolis? - Teacher notes
Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Manchester - Info sheet
Five reasons why Manchester benefitted from the Industrial Revolution - Worksheet
Manchester's title 'Cottonpolis'- Writing task
Negative impact of the Industrial Revolution on Manchester - Info sheet
Positive and negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution on Manchester - Worksheet
Why did Manchester become known as Cottonpolis? - Presentation
Resource 1/7
Why did Manchester become known as Cottonpolis? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
3rd Grade History lesson from the unit History of Manchester. This lesson uses an enquiry-approach method, and will facilitate students answering the question 'Why did Manchester become known as Cottonpolis?'