The Olympics, FIFA, and why we love sports: Crash Course Games

Physical Education
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 7 - Year 12
The Olympics, FIFA, and why we love sports: Crash Course Games
Crash Course Games
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Science Resource Description

Today, John Green is going to be your substitute teacher as we dive into the world of sports! Now ��_sports��_ is a pretty broad genre of game, we probably couldn't even cover them in an entire series, but today we're going to do our best to look at the origins of sports as they trace their histories back the Olympics (and even a little earlier), and look at how the rise of national pride and gaming communities has led us to the cultural behemoth of the FIFA World Cup. It's a lot to cover, but we're do our best to answer the big question for you non-sports-loving-gamers out there along the way: why do we love sports anyway?