Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Place value

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Place value
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Workbook for Year 3, Practice 2 focuses on understanding and working with place value. The section begins with exercises that require students to write numbers in a place-value chart. This helps them visually separate digits into their respective Hundreds, Tens, and Ones places. An example is provided to guide them through the process. Subsequent activities involve filling in the blanks to complete a series of numbers, ensuring that the students recognise the value of each digit depending on its position within the number.

The workbook continues with exercises where students write the total of given place values in both numerical form and words, reinforcing their understanding of the number system and place value. A more advanced set of problems asks students to identify the value of a specific digit in a number, depending on its place. For instance, in the number 416, students must determine the value of the digit in the Tens place. The practice rounds off with exercises where students are given clues about the digits in certain places and must then construct the complete number. For example, if there is a four in the Tens place, a nine in the Ones place, and a seven in the Hundreds place, students must deduce the correct number from these clues.