Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, 3D shapes (3)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, 3D shapes (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 2, students continue their exploration of 3D shapes with a lesson that is both interactive and deliciously engaging. The theme is centered around familiar objects, such as ice cream, biscuits, and blocks, which helps to bridge the gap between abstract geometric concepts and the real world. The lesson invites students to identify and differentiate between the various properties of 3D shapes by relating them to everyday items. For instance, they might compare the flat face of a biscuit to the flat surfaces on a cube or cuboid, or the curved face of an ice cream scoop to the spherical or cylindrical shapes.

The workbook pages 66 to 69 provide a structured activity where children can apply their knowledge of 3D shapes in a practical context. They are encouraged to look for items like a bin, which may resemble a cylinder, or a toolbox, which could be akin to a rectangular prism. By associating these common items with geometric terms such as 'flat face' for a surface that is flat and 'curved face' for a surface that is rounded, the lesson reinforces the students' ability to recognise and describe 3D shapes in a fun, relatable way. The workbook activities are designed to solidify their understanding and ensure they can identify these properties in both their classroom learning and everyday environment.