Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Measuring mass in units

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Measuring mass in units
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together' series, young learners are introduced to the concept of measuring mass using simple units. The lesson begins by explaining that each image of a weight represents one unit of mass. This visual representation helps children understand and quantify how heavy an object is in a way that is easy for them to grasp. For instance, the mass of a ball is depicted as 6 units, showing that it has a weight equivalent to 6 of these standard units.

Children are then encouraged to apply this knowledge by estimating the mass of a teddy bear, which is shown alongside a number of unit weights. The teddy bear's mass is determined to be 5 units. Through this exercise, students are asked to compare the mass of the ball and the teddy bear to identify which one is heavier. By visualising and counting the units, they can easily see that the ball, with 6 units, is heavier than the teddy bear with 5 units. This hands-on approach to measuring mass helps to build foundational skills in mathematics for Year 1 students.

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