Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Subtraction using number bonds

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Subtraction using number bonds
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the 'Max Maths' Year 1 practice book, young learners are introduced to subtraction through the use of number bonds. This practical exercise encourages children to visualize subtraction as a process of taking away from a total number. The first question presents a scenario with a vase of flowers, asking the child to subtract a certain number from the total of nine flowers to find out how many remain. This hands-on approach helps to embed the concept of subtraction in a real-world context, making it easier for children to grasp.

Further questions involve different objects, such as rings and balloons, to maintain engagement and provide variety. For instance, the second question asks students to identify how many rings are red out of six, and then subtract a number to determine how many are not red. Similarly, the third question involves balloons, where Toby has a total of ten, and the task is to figure out how many balloons he has left after some are taken away. These exercises are designed to strengthen the understanding of subtraction and number bonds. For additional practice and reinforcement, the workbook directs students to continue their learning on workbook pages 110 to 115, offering a structured progression through the topic.