Week 6 lesson 5 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 6 lesson 5 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3  - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The lesson plan for Week 6, Lesson 5, focuses on reading sentences as part of Phonics Phase 3. The lesson begins with an introduction that leads into the main body of the session. Students revisit the directional words 'NORTH', 'EAST', 'SOUTH', and 'WEST' to reinforce their understanding of these key vocabulary terms. This sets the stage for the teaching segment, where the sentence "Sam and Tash go down the road." is introduced to the class. This simple, yet illustrative sentence is used to teach sentence structure and reading skills.

Following the teaching phase, students engage in a 'TRUE OR FALSE' practice activity, which helps them to comprehend and evaluate the sentences they read. Additional sentences such as "A dog will wag a tail," "This room is dark at night," and "An owl will sit in a car," are provided for the students to read and determine the truthfulness of each statement. This exercise not only aids in reading fluency but also in understanding the meaning behind the words. The lesson concludes with an application activity where students are encouraged to draw phrases, allowing them to visually connect the written words with images. This creative approach helps to reinforce their learning before the lesson is wrapped up and the students are directed back to the menu, signaling the end of the session.