Week 6, lesson 5 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 6, lesson 5 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan
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In the fifth lesson of Week 6, the focus is on enhancing the students' ability to read sentences, a vital step in their phonics education. The objective of the day is clearly stated: “Today we will practise reading phrases!” This sets a clear goal for the students, gearing them up for a session filled with engaging activities designed to improve their reading skills. The lesson begins with a dynamic 'Revisit' activity where vowel digraphs are placed on each wall of the classroom, each accompanied by its corresponding pictophone. The children are encouraged to listen for the vowel sound in the middle of one-syllable words read out by the teacher, and then quickly move to the wall that displays the matching grapheme and pictophone.

During the 'Teach' phase of the lesson, a sentence is written on the board, such as “Sam and Tash go down the road.” The teacher models the process of reading the sentence by decoding each word, blending the sounds together, and then reading the entire phrase smoothly. This process is then repeated as a whole group activity, allowing the children to practice together. The 'Practise' section involves a lively 'True or False' game where children read phrases and enthusiastically declare them to be true or false, helping them to understand the meaning behind the words. Finally, the 'Apply' phase invites the children to engage in 'Phrase Draw,' where they decode a phrase and illustrate it on their whiteboards, before proudly holding up their work to share with the class. For those ready for a further challenge, extension activities such as 'Phrase Act' and 'Phoneme Frame' are provided to deepen their understanding and application of the lesson's concepts.