Sequencing Events - PowerPoint

Year 1
Sequencing Events - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focused on measurement, students are introduced to the concept of sequencing events. Through a PowerPoint presentation, they follow the daily routine of a character named Charlie. The lesson's objective is to help children understand the order of events and the passage of time by relating to typical daily activities. The presentation begins with Charlie waking up in the morning, which is the first event of the day. Students are then shown subsequent activities, such as Charlie brushing teeth in the bathroom, getting dressed, and going downstairs for breakfast.

As the day progresses, the PowerPoint guides the students through Charlie's activities, including going to school, having lunch and playtime with friends at midday, returning home in the afternoon to watch television, and enjoying dinner with the family in the evening. Before bedtime, Charlie engages in a quiet activity of reading a book. The lesson encourages students to think about the sequence of these events and to place them in the correct order. To reinforce learning, a worksheet is provided where children can cut out pictures representing each part of Charlie's day and arrange them to reflect the correct sequence, thus enhancing their understanding of ordering events and daily routines.

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