Five Times Table Snap - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Five Times Table Snap - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Five Times Table Snap" is an engaging and interactive PowerPoint resource designed for Year 2 students to practice multiplication and division with a focus on the five times table. In this game, players must quickly determine whether pairs of cards match in their multiplication value, shouting 'SNAP' for a match or 'NO SNAP' if they don't correspond. Each pair of cards presents a multiplication or addition problem, and students have a mere five seconds to respond before time runs out. This fast-paced activity not only reinforces their understanding of the five times table but also encourages quick thinking and sharpens their mental arithmetic skills.

Instructions for the game are straightforward: print and cut out the cards provided in the slides, distribute them evenly among players, and take turns flipping cards into the centre. When a match is spotted, the first to call 'snap' wins the pile of cards. The game continues until all cards have been played, with the winner being the player who has collected the most cards. Additionally, the resource includes a worksheet where students can test their knowledge by identifying true or false statements related to the five times table. This resource is a fun and interactive way for children to become fluent in their multiplication tables, turning a routine math exercise into an exciting classroom challenge.

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