6x - 10x6 CanDoTables Mat

Year 2 - Year 6
6x - 10x6 CanDoTables Mat
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

The CanDoTables Mat is an educational resource designed to enhance students' understanding and mastery of multiplication concepts. The mat presents a structured approach to learning, with a variety of tasks that encourage students to explore the multiplication of 6 by 10 in different ways. Through activities such as 'Draw it', 'Derive it', and 'Deepen it', students are prompted to visualize, calculate, and expand upon the basic multiplication fact that 6 times 10 equals 60. They are also asked to dissect the problem into its constituent parts, such as 6 times an unknown number plus 6 times another unknown number, to reinforce their understanding of distributive properties.

Additional sections of the mat include a number line and bar representation to help students visualize the concept of multiplication as repeated addition and to understand the relationship between multiplication and division. The activities also cover practical applications, such as determining the number of pens in a box or the distance each runner covers in a charity event, to illustrate the real-world relevance of multiplication. The mat encourages students to think about factors, multiples, arrays, and scaling, and to apply their knowledge to solve various problems. The resource concludes by challenging students with true or false statements and questions that require them to apply their multiplication skills to different contexts, such as time and weight conversions, further deepening their comprehension of the subject matter.