Use sharing to solve division problems

Year 2
Use sharing to solve division problems
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

The ArithmeKit 223 from Buzzard Publishing is a comprehensive resource designed to help students understand division through the concept of sharing. It presents a variety of problems where students are asked to divide a number of items, like apples, equally between a specified number of groups or bags. For example, one problem sets out 10 apples to be shared between 2 bags, while another has 20 apples to be distributed equally among 4 bags. The exercises encourage students to match these problems to corresponding pictorial representations, reinforcing the visual aspect of division as sharing.

The resource further challenges students with division problems that require sharing different quantities of items among groups, such as 12 items between 4 groups, or 18 items between 4 groups, and so on. It prompts students to notice patterns, particularly when dealing with even numbers and their divisibility by 2 or 4. The kit includes tasks where students must place digits in boxes to complete division equations, and it encourages them to create their own problems. This interactive approach not only aids in grasping the division concept but also enhances problem-solving skills and the understanding of even and odd numbers in relation to division.