Is the refugee crisis over Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Is the refugee crisis over Lesson Presentation
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The educational resource 'Is the refugee crisis over?' by VotesforSchools2021 is designed for students in Years 4-6 to explore the concept of home and delve into the complex issue of the refugee crisis. The lesson begins with an engaging starter activity that prompts students to consider what 'home' means to them, encouraging them to think of words and ideas associated with home, such as family, community, and memories. This sets the stage for a deeper investigation into the experiences of refugees and the notion of seeking refuge. As part of the learning journey, students are introduced to the term 'refugee', watch videos to understand individual refugee stories, and participate in discussions to challenge and expand their understanding of the term.

The lesson continues with a historical perspective, examining the European Refugee Crisis that occurred between 2014 and 2019, according to the European Commission. Students learn about the dangerous journeys undertaken by millions from countries like Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and the challenges they faced upon arrival in Europe. The resource prompts critical thinking by asking if the crisis is truly over, given the ongoing situations that force people to flee their homes. Additionally, the class discusses the impact of the UK's foreign aid budget and its potential reduction on global refugee situations. The resource culminates with a voting activity, where students can express their opinions on whether the refugee crisis has ended, and their thoughts are then shared with various refugee organizations.

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