Staying safe Presentation Lesson

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Staying safe Presentation Lesson
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The VotesforSchools2020 presentation for Primary KS2 students focuses on the importance of recognising early warning signs of feeling scared or worried, such as shivering, butterflies in the stomach, and an increased heart rate. The lesson encourages students to identify and discuss any additional feelings they might experience in such situations. It aims to educate children on how to stay safe outside of school, especially with the changing lockdown rules and the different tiered approach to coronavirus restrictions in England. The lesson includes a learning journey that prompts students to consider their instincts when faced with various scenarios, such as encountering drug paraphernalia or being approached by strangers asking for personal information.

Throughout the lesson, students are guided to reflect on their instincts and discuss the risks present in each scenario, including travelling alone on public transport, crossing busy roads with faulty signals, and being asked to carry unknown packages. The presentation emphasises the significance of trusting one's instincts and understanding the appropriate actions to take when feeling uncomfortable or unsafe. To reinforce the learning, students are tasked with creating a home walking guide, sharing their knowledge with peers, and potentially forming a safety committee to address local risks. The lesson concludes with a self-assessment, allowing students to evaluate their understanding of staying safe outside of school and their readiness to handle various situations they might encounter.

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