NASA’s Black Hole Field Guide: Episode 5 - Black Hole Records

Year 5 - Year 12
NASA’s Black Hole Field Guide: Episode 5 - Black Hole Records
NASA Goddard
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Science Resource Description

Even though you’ve learned about basic black holes, and fancy black holes, and social black holes, and giant black holes, there are always stranger things out there! In this final chapter, you can learn about some of the rarest black holes – biggest, smallest, farthest, strangest, and more!Music: "Playground Intrigue" from Universal Production MusicVideo credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterChris Smith (USRA): Lead ProducerKrystofer Kim (USRA): Lead AnimatorChris Smith (USRA): Lead WriterJeanette Kazmierczak (University of Maryland College Park): Lead Science WriterScott Noble (NASA/GSFC): ScientistJohn G. Baker (NASA/GSFC): ScientistBernard J. Kelly (UMBC): Scientist