Week 27, lesson 5 High Frequency Review Day (made,time,I'm,if,help) - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 27, lesson 5 High Frequency Review Day (made,time,I'm,if,help) - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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During the fifth lesson of Week 27 in Phase 5 Phonics, the class focuses on reviewing high frequency words (HFWs) that have been recently introduced. The objective for the day is to reinforce the children's familiarity with these words: made, time, I'm, if, and help. The lesson begins with a 'Quickwrite Words' activity, where the teacher calls out words that contain graphemes the children may need additional practice with. The students write these words on their whiteboards and then display them to the class for a collective review.

The teaching segment involves writing the new high frequency words on the board, each marked with sound buttons to assist in pronunciation. The teacher invites a volunteer to read the words out loud, cycling through the set to ensure all students have the opportunity to engage with the words. In the practice portion of the lesson, an interactive 'High Frequency Word Jump' game is played, where children must jump up when they see the flashcard of the word they are on the lookout for. This activity is designed to sharpen recognition skills and can be adapted to include previously learned HFWs or tricky words. Finally, to apply their knowledge, the children use mini whiteboards to write down each word as it is dictated, and if time allows, they also write down phrases incorporating the day's words, such as "I made time for a snack. I'm here to help if you need." This activity helps to contextualise the HFWs, enhancing the students' understanding and retention.