Week 25, lesson 5 High Frequency Review Day - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 25, lesson 5 High Frequency Review Day - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the final lesson of Week 25, the focus is on reviewing high-frequency words (HFW) that have been learnt in recent phonics lessons. The objective for the day is clear: to revisit and reinforce the students' knowledge and recognition of these commonly used words. The lesson begins with a 'Quickwrite Words' activity, where the teacher calls out words that require additional practice, and the children quickly write them on their whiteboards before proudly displaying their work for the class to see. This interactive approach not only assesses recall but also encourages active participation.

Following the quick writing exercise, the lesson moves on to the 'Teach' phase, where the teacher writes a selection of high-frequency words on the board, each marked with sound buttons to aid pronunciation. Words such as 'friend', 'got', 'house', 'don’t', 'when', 'one', and 'they' are used. A volunteer is then invited to read the words aloud, providing a model for the other students and cycling through the words to give multiple children the opportunity to participate. The 'Practise' phase introduces a fun 'High Frequency Word Jump' game, where children are asked to jump up when they spot a word they have been told to look out for, from shuffled flashcards. This kinesthetic activity helps to embed word recognition. Lastly, the 'Apply' phase involves a mini whiteboard exercise, where words like 'old', 'by', 'which', 'just', 'came', and 'now' are dictated to the children, who then write them down and display their whiteboards for feedback. This comprehensive lesson plan ensures that children are engaging with high-frequency words in a variety of ways, catering to different learning styles and reinforcing their phonics knowledge.