Week 28, lesson 5 New High Frequency Words - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Presentation

Year 1
Week 28, lesson 5 New High Frequency Words - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In lesson five of Week 28, students in Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3 are introduced to new high-frequency words, an essential component of their literacy development. The lesson follows a structured approach, beginning with an introduction to the new vocabulary. The students are then encouraged to revisit previous learning through a 'Quickwrite Words' activity, which helps to refresh their memory and reinforce their existing knowledge of high-frequency words.

The teaching segment of the lesson focuses on a set of specific words: 'mouse', 'asked', 'here', 'off', and 'called'. These words are presented to the students, who are then given the opportunity to practice spelling and using them in context. The practice activity involves the use of mini whiteboards, allowing students to work individually or in small groups to write the words, thus enhancing their engagement and retention of the new vocabulary. The lesson concludes with an application phase, where students demonstrate their understanding and ability to use the new high-frequency words in their writing or reading exercises. This structured approach ensures that by the end of the lesson, students have had ample opportunity to familiarise themselves with the new words and incorporate them into their phonics skill set.