Week 22, lesson 4 Review day "ow,yoo,oy,oa" Short "oo", Long "oo"- Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 22, lesson 4 Review day "ow,yoo,oy,oa" Short "oo", Long "oo"- Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The fourth lesson of Week 22 in the phonics curriculum is a review day, focusing on consolidating the children's understanding of the phonemes /ow/, /yoo/, /oy/, /oa/, short /oo/, and long /oo/. The objective for the day is to revisit these sounds that have been taught over the past three weeks. The lesson starts with a 'Word Breaker' activity where the teacher says a word aloud, and the children are encouraged to break it down into its constituent sounds before saying the word again in unison. This exercise is repeated with several words to reinforce sound recognition.

During the teaching phase, the children are shown pictophones such as an Owl, Oon, Unicorn, Oyster, Ook, and Ogre, which they must match with the correct phoneme. They are then asked to provide words containing each phoneme, with the teacher modelling the writing of these words on the board and highlighting the graphemes. In the practice segment, the class engages in 'Sentence Sub', where they read a sentence together, and then certain words are substituted to test if the sentence still makes sense, encouraging the children to think critically about the sounds and meanings of words. Finally, for the application of their learning, the children use mini whiteboards to write dictated phrases that include the reviewed phonemes, such as "Joe the unicorn has a cool coat" and "Rose the reindeer looks cute," allowing them to apply their phonetic knowledge in writing.