Week 22, lesson 4 Review day- Phonics Phase 5art 1 - Presentation

Year 1
Week 22, lesson 4 Review day- Phonics Phase 5art 1 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The 22nd week of phonics lessons for Phase 5 brings students to a review day, designed to consolidate their learning thus far. As the lesson commences, the focus is on revisiting previously learned content, with an activity called 'Word Breaker' aimed at refreshing students' memories and reinforcing their decoding skills. This engaging starter sets the stage for the day's learning, providing a structured opportunity for students to recall and apply their phonics knowledge in a dynamic way.

As the lesson progresses, the teaching phase introduces 'Sentence Substitution', where students practice reading and understanding sentences by substituting words, enhancing their fluency and comprehension. Example sentences such as "She put the wood in the shed" and "She put the cow in the pool" are used to demonstrate how changing just one word can alter the meaning of a sentence. This activity not only reinforces their phonics skills but also encourages them to think about sentence structure and meaning. The lesson concludes with a 'Mini Whiteboard Work' session, where students have the chance to apply what they've learned by writing and manipulating sentences themselves, solidifying their grasp of the material covered during the review day.