Week 10, lesson 4 Review Day: "g,c,ch" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 10, lesson 4 Review Day: "g,c,ch" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The fourth day of Week 10 in the Phonics Phase 5, Unit 2 curriculum is dedicated to reviewing the graphemes , , and . The objective of the day is to revisit these graphemes, refreshing the students' memory of both current and previously learned sounds. The lesson starts with a 'Quickdash Words' activity where the teacher selects words from past lessons that contain the target graphemes. These words are written on the board with visual aids like sound buttons and bars, and the class decodes them together, focusing on each phoneme.

During the 'Teach' phase, the teacher writes the graphemes on one side of the board and displays pictophones (visual symbols representing sounds) on the other side, including images of a Goat, Jellyfish, Kangaroos, Seal, Chick, and Sheep. Students are then invited to connect the graphemes to the corresponding phonemes they represent. This interactive exercise helps reinforce the association between sounds and their visual representations. In the 'Practise' segment, a fun 'Countdown' game is played where students line up and decode words from the board under time pressure, earning points for each correctly read word. The session ends with an 'Apply' activity, where children work in pairs with a provided resource to sort words according to their phonemes, drawing lines to match each word to the correct grapheme and pictophone, further cementing their understanding of these sounds in a collaborative setting.

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