Week 6, lessons 1-5 Assessment Week Sound Stepping Stones activity - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Worksheet

Year 1
Week 6, lessons 1-5 Assessment Week  Sound Stepping Stones activity - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the sixth week of Phonics Phase 5, Unit 1, children face an engaging challenge in their learning journey. The 'Sound Stepping Stones' activity, which is a part of the assessment for days 1-5 of the week, encourages children to apply their phonetic knowledge to distinguish between real words and non-words. Presented as a worksheet, the task is to imagine crossing to a new island using a path of stepping stones, where each stone is inscribed with a word. The catch is that they can only step on stones that have real words on them. To complete the activity, children must colour in the stones that feature real words, such as 'time', 'lie', 'bone', 'paw', 'grew', 'fried', 'whip', 'these', and 'true'. This exercise not only tests their understanding of phonics but also reinforces their ability to recognise actual words, thereby enhancing their reading and decoding skills.

The worksheet is a practical tool for teachers to assess the progress of their students in phonics. By carefully examining each word on the stepping stones, children demonstrate their ability to identify and understand the sounds that make up words. This activity serves as a fun and educational way for children to consolidate their learning from the first unit of Phase 5 phonics. It also provides teachers with valuable insights into each student's grasp of phonics, allowing them to tailor future instruction to better meet the needs of their class.