Week 9, lesson 1 Spelling Two-Syllable Words - Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 9, lesson 1 Spelling Two-Syllable Words -  Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
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In the first lesson of Week 9, the focus is on spelling two-syllable words, a fundamental skill in Phase 3 phonics. The objective is clear: "Today we will practise spelling two-syllable words!" The lesson begins with a 'Quickdash' activity designed to review previously learned graphemes and pictophones. This fast-paced exercise requires the children to quickly shout out the corresponding sounds, helping to reinforce their phonetic knowledge and improve recall speed.

The teaching segment introduces the 'Syllable Sounder' technique, where the teacher writes a two-syllable word such as "haircut" on the whiteboard, with a visual slash separating the syllables. The educator demonstrates how to sound-talk the first syllable, blend it, and then combine the two halves to form the complete word. This method is repeated with another example, "toothbrush," to ensure the concept is fully understood. During the practice phase, children engage with the 'Syllable Sounder' by clapping out the syllables of words like "carpet," "farmer," and "tinfoil," and then writing them on their mini whiteboards. To apply their learning, the class works together to interpret a simple image that represents a phrase, such as "My ladder is longer," and then writes the phrase on their whiteboards. The lesson plan also includes extension activities that focus on sound talk and sound count, providing further opportunities to consolidate their learning.