Week 7, lesson 5 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3, - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 7, lesson 5 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3,  - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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During Week 7, lesson 5, the focus is on reading sentences, a key component of Phonics Phase 3. The lesson is structured to provide a clear and engaging learning experience for students. It begins with an introduction that sets the stage for the day's activities. Students are then encouraged to revisit and practice 'Quickdash' to rapidly recognise phonemes, as well as to review 'Tricky Words' that do not conform to regular phonetic patterns and require special attention.

The lesson progresses with the 'TEACH' stage, where a new concept or skill is introduced. In this case, 'Sentence Substitution' is likely to be the focus, where students learn how to read and understand sentences by substituting words to change meaning. Following this, the 'APPLY' stage invites students to engage with phrases and prompts them to draw, allowing them to apply their understanding in a practical and visual manner. The lesson concludes with a clear end, signalling to students that they have completed the session's objectives and can transition back to the main menu for further instructions or activities. This structured approach ensures that students have multiple opportunities to practice and consolidate their phonics knowledge through reading and interaction.