Week 2, lesson 1 Phoneme "I" Grapheme "I" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 1 Phoneme "I" Grapheme "I" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
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In the second week's first phonics lesson, the focus is on the phoneme /i/ and its corresponding grapheme . The objective of the lesson is to introduce the /i/ sound to the children, which is done in a creative and engaging way with the help of the 'Igloo with a Blue Hairdo' card. This visual aid helps the children associate the sound with the character, making it memorable. The grapheme card is also presented, linking the sound to its written representation.

The lesson proceeds with a 'Quickdash' activity where children revisit previously learned graphemes and pictophones, shouting out the phoneme for each grapheme and the name for each pictophone at increasing speeds to reinforce their memory. The teaching segment includes a story that incorporates the /i/ sound, followed by an action where children imitate dripping ink drops while saying /i/ /i/ /i/, to further cement the phoneme in their minds. In the practice phase, children learn to form the grapheme by finger writing in the air or on a peer's back. A 'Sound Sorter' activity helps them apply their knowledge by sorting objects onto trays according to their onset sounds. Finally, the application of the lesson involves mini whiteboard work for grapheme writing practice, with extension activities like playdough and sand writing for a tactile experience.