Week 2, lesson 1 Phoneme "I" Grapheme "I" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 1 Phoneme "I" Grapheme  "I" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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In the first lesson of Week 2, the focus is on the phoneme "I" and its corresponding grapheme "I", a fundamental component of Phonics Phase 2. The lesson is structured to provide a comprehensive approach to learning this sound and letter combination, starting with an introduction that sets the stage for the day's learning objective. The presentation is designed to be interactive, with a 'Back to Menu' option allowing for easy navigation between the different sections of the lesson.

After the initial introduction, the lesson moves on to 'REVISIT', where students participate in a 'Quickdash' activity, which serves as a warm-up to refresh their memory of previously learned phonemes. The 'TEACH' section follows, where new information about the "I" sound is presented, with the 'Next' button guiding the teacher and students through the instructional material. In the 'PRACTISE' part of the lesson, students engage in activities that reinforce their understanding of the "I" phoneme and grapheme, allowing them to apply their knowledge in different contexts. The lesson concludes with an 'APPLY' section, where students demonstrate their ability to use the "I" sound in reading or writing, ensuring they have grasped the concept. The 'END OF LESSON' marks the completion of the session, with a return to the main menu ready for the next learning adventure.