Donkey trot (pulse, tempo) - Song

Year 1 - Year 2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Donkey Trot (pulse, tempo)

Who would love a donkey as a pet? (I would!) Everyone listen to this music. It's called Donkey Trot, composed by Dulcie Holland and it's played on the piano. Listen again, sitting on the floor and ask the children to copy you as you tap your knees in time. They will copy better if you make big movements and then you can tell them, We were tapping the pulse, in time with the music!

Next the children trot along with the music in a circle, keeping the same distance apart, at a trotting speed (tempo) not galloping! This is a chance for you to use the word, tempo with the children. By the way, have you noticed that when children walk together in a circle they always go anti-clockwise? Moving their feet in time with music is difficult for young children so don't be surprised if they can't do this yet but praise anyone who does and let them demonstrate.